Einstein Summation Notation
We often want to do complicated matrix or vector operations that require careful manipulation to reduce to a correct output. The most explicit way of doing so would be to loop through each dimension of your ndarray and accumulate the result of each element-wise operation. This however can be very inefficient for a large matrix. The good news is, multiplying high dimensional matrices along specific dimensions need not be painful: enter Einstein notation.
Equation Strings
We often see things like np.einsum("i,i->", A, B) in code that relies heavily on tensor manipulation, e.g. machine learning code. It is a convenient way to express product sums of multi-dimensional tensors or arrays without explicitly writing out the underlying transposes or summations.
Various libraries like NumPy, Tensorflow, and one of my new favorites einops, enable ways to evaluate summations of tensor products along specified dimensions by just specifying equation strings, which makes parsing 10x easier.
The general conversion to Einstein notation goes something like:
- Remove the variable names and brackets, keeping only the input sub-indices
- Replace \( * \) with \(,\)
- Drop \( \sum \) symbols
- Replace \(=\) with \(->\) symbol and move the output sub-indices to the RHS
Foundational Usage
Let's start with a simple dot product between two vectors \( u \) and \( v \) : \( w = \sum_i u_i * v_i\) is written explicitly as sum_i u[i]*v[i]and in einsum notation: w=np.einsum("i,i", u, v).
Now for a matrix product \(C_{i,k} = \sum_j A{i,j}\cdot B_{j,k}\) ( i.e. \( A^T B\) ), this translates to C[i,k] = sum_j A[i, j]* B[j, k].
So the corresponding einsum string is "ij,jk->ik" and we'd invoke the operation np.einsum("ij,jk", A, B).
Note: this is equivalent to just writing "ij,jk" since when the output indices are not specified, the repeated indices ("j" in this case) are summed.
The same thing generalizes to batched matrix multiplication (e.g. np.matmul), which is just normal matrix multiplication with an additional dimension on the \(0\)-th axis that is preserved.
Step by step, \(C_{n,i,k} = \sum_j A{n,i,j}\cdot B_{n,j,k}\) can be transformed from \(C_[:, i,k] = \sum_j A[:, i,j] * B[:,j,k]\):
- \(nik = \sum_k nij * njk \)
- \(nik = \sum_k nij,njk \)
- \(nik = nij,njk \)
- "nij,njk->nik"
and we'd simply invoke np.einsum("nij,njk->nik", A, B). If we unrolled this computation, it would look something like:
N = A.shape[0]assert N == B.shape[0]I,J = A.shape[1:]assert J == B.shape[1]K = B.shape[-1]C = np.zeros([N, I, K])for n in range(N):for i in range(I):for k in range(K):for j in range(J): # this is the shared dimensionC[n][i][k] += A[n][i][j] * B[n][j][k]return C
To compute the trace of a matrix \( \sum_i A_{i,i}\) : np.einsum("ii->", A).
from einops import ___
This is a library that has a slightly different notation from NumPy's einsum strings which excludes the commas, but has some handy built-in functions for doing common things when writing neural network training libraries.
Note: you can backpropagate through all of einops operations!
Lets use the following matrix to think about the below operations:
n, c, h, w = 10, 32, 64, 128
x = np.random.normal([n, c, h, w])
rearrange: If you've ported PyTorch code to JAX, you've likely had to convert BCHW to BHWC. This can be done simply: rearrange(x, 'b c h w -> b h w c')
reduce: If you want to reduce via some operation on some axis: reduce(x, 'b c h w -> b c'), the resulting shape is as you'd expect / specified in the einsum string.
rearrange: If you want to take the transpose along two dimensions: rearrange(x1, 'b c -> c b'), the resulting shape is as you'd expect / specified in the einsum string.
parse_shape: To confirm and check that each dimension matches as expected: parse_shape(x_5d, 'b c x y z') results in {'b': 10, 'c': 32, 'x': 100, 'y': 10, 'z': 20}. To skip out on some dims: parse_shape(x_5d, 'batch c - - -').
Common usage patterns
flatten: rearrange(x, 'b c h w -> b (c h w)') # (10, 32, 100, 200) -> (10, 640000)
space-to-depth: rearrange(x, 'b c (h h1) (w w1) -> b (h1 w1 c) h w', h1=2, w1=2) # (10, 32, 100, 200) -> (10, 32, 100, 200)
global avg pool: reduce(x, 'b c h w -> b c', reduction='mean') # (10, 32, 100, 200) -> (10, 32)
max pool w/ kxk kernel: reduce(x, 'b c (h h1) (w w1) -> b c h w', reduction='max', h1=k1, w1=k2) # (10, 32, 100//k1, 100%k1, 200//k2, 200%k2) -> (10, 32)
expand_dims: rearrange(x[0, :3], 'c h w -> h w c') # (32, 100, 200) -> (100, 200, 32)
: rearrange(im, 'h w c -> () c h w') # (100, 200, 32) -> (1, 100, 200, 32)
: rearrange(preds, 'b c h w -> b (c h w)') # (1, 100, 200, 32) -> (1, 100 * 200 * 32) convnet for classification
: rearrange(preds, '() class -> class') # (1, n_classes) -> (n_classes,)
keep_dims: reduce(x, 'b c h w -> b c 1 1', 'mean') # (10, 32, 100, 200) -> (10, 32, 1, 1)
concatenate: rearrange(list_of_tensors, 'b c h w -> (b h) w c') # (10, 32, 100, 200) -> (1000, 200, 32) # concatenate over first dim
: rearrange(list_of_tensors, 'b c h w -> h w (b c)') # (10, 32, 100, 200) -> (100, 200, 320) # concatenate over last dim
stack: rearrange(list_of_tensors, 'b c h w -> h w c b') # (10, 32, 100, 200) -> (100, 200, 32, 10) stack on last dim
shuffling: rearrange(x, 'b (g1 g2 c) h w -> b (g2 g1 c) h w', g1=4, g2=4) # (10, 32, 100, 200) -> (10, 32, 100, 200)
: rearrange(x, 'b (g c) h w -> b (c g) h w', g=4) # equivalent, simpler than above
split dimensions (unpack): rearrange(x, 'b (coord box) h w -> coord) # -> bbx_x, bbx_y, bbx_w, bbx_h, (10, 8, 100, 200), then operate on individual variables
: reduce(bbx_w * bbx_h, 'b bbox h w -> b h w', 'max') # (10, 100, 200)
striding: rearrange(x, 'b c (h hs) (w ws) -> (hs ws b) c h w', hs=2, ws=2) # (10, 32, 50, 2, 100, 2) -> (40, 32, 50, 100), split each image into sub-grids where each is now a separate "image"; apply 2d convolution; re-pack sub-grids into full image same as above swapping -> arrow arguments
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